Sandra’s Free Gift


Every person is dancing to their own drummer. They are all dancing to their own gifts, challenges, lessons and potentials. Recognizing that fact is an important step in relating to other people. This book is to help people understand that everyone has their own way of communicating, their own way of expressing and receiving information and love. Your communicate style will be masterful and people will more likely feel seen and/or heard if  you are using language that reflects who they are. Words and phrases are included in this book for every heart line type to help you get started.

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]AVAILABILITY: FREE FOR ALL BAD-ASSERY BUSINESS SUMMIT PARTICIPANTS[/text_block]
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  • Giveaway runs from February 22, 2016 through March 11, 2016 ending at midnight PST.
  • Drawing for raffle winners will be held on March 11, 2016.
  • Winners will be notified by email no later than March 14, 2016.
  • Winners have 30 days to redeem their prize.
  • All “Bad-Assery Business Summit” contributors are independent business owners, and are operating in conjunction with, but SEPARATELY from the “Bad-Assery Business Summit” promotion, owners and operators.

